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Research Data Open Access Distracted by Previous Experience: Integrating Selection History, Current Task Demands and Saliency in an Algorithmic Model- Springer2024(Philipps-Universität marburg, 07.05.2021) Endres, Dominik; Meibodi, Neda; Meibodi, NedaThis repository contains the files and data necessary to recreate the results from the paper Meibodi, N., Abbasi, H., Schubö, A. et al. Distracted by Previous Experience: Integrating Selection History, Current Task Demands and Saliency in an Algorithmic Model. Comput Brain Behav 7, 268–285 (2024). Please go to Version 2 if you are interested to see the files related to the other pubplication N.Meibodi, H.Abbasi, A. Schuboe, D. Endres (2021) A Model of Selection History in Visual Attention, Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the Society of Cognitive Science, Vienna, Austria.Research Data Open Access Akkadische und Sumerische Texte (AST): Texte der Ur III-Zeit (CDLI)(2014-04-30) Sommerfeld, WalterResearch Data Open Access Sumerische Glossare und Indizes (SGI)(2014-04-30) Sommerfeld, WalterResearch Data Open Access Akkadische Glossare und Indizes (AGI)(2014-04-30) Sommerfeld, WalterResearch Data Open Access MreB in vitro(Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2020) Dersch, SimonResearch Data Open Access CWiLT Corpus(2021-03-23) Götz, Sandra; Gerlach, DavidResearch Data Open Access Implausible Priors in Bayesian Models of Body Ownership(Moritz Schubert, 2021-05-28) Schubert, Moritz; Endres, DominikResearch Data Open Access Data_BatRack_2020(Jannis Gottwald, 2021-06-18) Gottwald, Jannis; Nauss, Thomas; Lampe, PatrickResearch Data Open Access Modeling Reward Learning Under Placebo Expectancies: A Q-Learning Approach(2022-05-10) Augustat, Nick; Müller, Erik Malte; Endres, Dominik; Chuang, Li-Ching; Panitz, Christian; Stolz, ChristopherResearch Data Open Access PoS-tagged Middle Welsh texts from Oxford, Jesus College MS. 119Parina, Elena; Sackmann, Raphael; Meelen, Marieke; Poppe, ErichResearch Data Open Access Vorschlag für ein gemeinsames Metadatenschema für die Sammlungen der Philipps-Universität Marburg(Philipps-Universität Marburg, Stabsstelle Forschungsdatenmanagement) Maul, AlexanderDie Philipps-Universität Marburg entwickelt derzeit ein Konzept zur digitalen Präsentation ihrer wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen. Hierbei verfolgt ein im Rahmen der Landesinitiative HeFDI vom Hessischen Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Kunst und Kultur (HMWK) gefördertes Projekt den Auftrag, Datenbankmanagementsysteme zur Integration wissenschaftlicher Sammlungen anzu-passen. Neben der Konzeptionierung und Implementierung einer langfristig trag-fähigen Datenbank hat das Projekt die Pilotierung der Sammlungsdigitalisierung an der Philipps-Universität zur Aufgabe. Der Projektfortschritt wird über die Projektseite ( dokumentiert. Der Datensatz enthält einen Vorschlag für ein gemeinsames Metadatenschema für die Sammlungen der Philipps-Universität. Hierbei unterteilt sich das Modell in folgende Bereiche: 1. Automatische Administrationsfelder 2. Minimalerfassung 3. Empfohlene Erfassungsfelder 4. Zusätzliche Felder für Objekte aus sensiblen Kontexten 5. Akzession, Bilanzierung, Deakzession 6. Interne Dokumentation und Sammlungsmanagement 7. Individuelle sach- und fachspezifische Metadatenfelder Der Vorschlag gibt den Bearbeitungsstand im November 2024 wieder. Er ist ausdrücklich als Vorschlag konzipiert, auf dessen Grundlage weitere Absprachen erfolgen sollten.Research Data Open Access Research Data Open Access Competition between salience and informational value for saccade adaptationWolf, Christian; Wagner, Ilja; Schütz, Alexander C.Research Data Open Access Effects of individualized and general self-regulation online training on teachers' self-regulation, well-being and stressLi Sanchez, Kira; Schwinger, MalteResearch Data Open Access Modeling aberrant volatility estimates in Autism Spectrum Disorder(AE Theoretische Kognitionswissenschaft) Niehaus, Haukem; Kamp-Becker, Inge; Endres, Dominik; Stroth, SannaResearch Data Open Access In vitro-in situ comparison study - Data set(Philipps-Universität Marburg) Jablonski-Momeni, AnahitaThis data set presents the data which were analysed for the following publication: A comparison between in vitro and randomized in situ models for remineralization of artificial enamel lesions Jablonski-Momeni A, Lentz J, Jablonski B, Kiesow A, Morawietz M. Sci Rep. 2024 Oct 25;14(1):25295. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-76387-w. Abstract: The randomized study aimed to evaluate the comparability of in situ (iS) and in vitro (iV) study protocols regarding remineralization of artificial enamel lesions. Two toothpastes (group A: 1450 ppm sodium fluoride, group B: placebo 0 ppm F-), were investigated. IV, a pH-cycling model with toothpaste slurry treatment was applied for 10d. IS, remineralization was performed in 9 participants wearing splints with embedded enamel samples for 10 and 21d, randomly allocated to groups A and B. Samples were scanned by X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) and grayscale value line profiles corresponding to mineral density (rel.ΔZ) were analyzed. T-Test for dependent and independent data and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for further analyses (α = 0.05). Rel.ΔZ of fluoride treated samples (A) were iV = 40.2%, iS 10d = 11.5% and iS 21d = 46.1% (p > 0.05). Rel.ΔZ of placebo treated samples (B) were: iV = − 6.2%, iS 10d = 25.2% and iS 21d = 11.0% (p > 0.05). Remineralization potential of both toothpastes was significantly different regarding iV (p < 0.001) and iS after 21d (p = 0.034), while in case of iS 10d no significant difference was detected (p = 0.4). Despite different study protocols the μCT results after remineralization were comparable between iV and iS. The results suggest that selected studies can be carried out in faster, simplified iV studies using pH-cycling instead of iS studies.Research Data Open Access Sensorimotor processes are not a source of much noise: sensorimotor and decision components of reaction timesMeibodi, Neda; Schubö, Anna; Endres, DominikResearch Data Open Access Research Data Restricted Prognostic impact of immunophenotypic variation in subcapsular sinus endothelium of sentinel lymph nodes in invasive breast carcinoma(Trafo, Institut für Pathologie, Philipps-Universität Marburg) Westhoff, Christina; Kalder, Matthias; Derben, JonasResearch Data Open Access Appendix-Demographic Mortality Measures as Indicators of Amenable or Avoidable Deaths in the 50 States of the United States of America. An Example of a Population-Based Health Care Quality Indicator - Applied to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)(Yesser Falk) Falk, Yesser; Mueller, Ulrich