Research DataOpen Access

Western blot data


This subset of the repository contains the Western blot data of the study. The original data comes from mscn-files that were opened using Image Lab which is not in an open free format. Therefore the membrane images were exported as tif-files and the associated metadata was exported as a xml file. The subset contains several replicates of the different experiments and specificity controls conducted with purified proteins, and cell culture media. Furthermore, it contains the Western blot conducted after immune precipitation of cell lysates.


Dort, Aaron; Pauly, Diana; Nickel, Antonia; Bergert, Jasmin; Schayan-Araghi, Stella Y.; Banerjee, Pratiti; Wolf, Hannah N.; May-Simera, Helen; Schikora, Juliane: Western blot data. .

Creative Commons license

Except where otherwised noted, this item's license is described as Attribution 4.0 International