This is the data from a q-methodological research project on reconciliation in Colombia, which was conducted from May 2021 until August 2022. Research participants were asked to share their perspectives on reconciliation in Colombia by ranking images on a distribution scale from -4 (least representative images for reconciliation) to +4 (most representative images for reconciliation). Furthermore, they were asked to fill out a survey and to leave a comment on four questions about their experience during the Q sorting process and their understanding of reconciliation in Colombia, either in the survey itself or via voice or text messages on WhatsApp. In total, 201 people participated in the study, 198 completed a Q sort (the difference of 3 participants is due to technical problems) and 58 left a comment.

Following, we give a brief explanation about the uploaded documents. Document titles in English indicate that the content of the document is mainly in English. Document titles in Spanish indicate that the content of the document is mainly in Spanish. 

With “ken-q-analysis Excel Type 2 import data” we provide our raw Q Sort data that we obtained via Q Method Software ( It is modified for the use in Ken-Q Analysis ( You might want to further discover our data or to have a look at the solutions with more than five factors, that we mentioned in the publications related to this research project. Therefore, you can upload this file on Ken-Q Analysis. 

You can also find a document with calculations of means, variance and standard deviations of the raw Q sort data.

The file “KenQ_output_CFA5_Varimax_p0,05_coloured” contains the output data from Ken-Q Analysis that gives you an insight into the solution we finally decided to interpret: five factors, extracted with Centroid Factor Analysis, rotated with VARIMAX and auto-flagged at p < 0.05. 

The file called “Decision Tree (PCA & CFA 1-8)” includes a large amount of different statistical data that we considered in order to take a final decision on how many factors to extract. However, besides statistical criteria, qualitative observations were taken into account when taking the final decision for the five-factor-solution. 

You will further find the table “Imágenes seleccionadas, Selected images (Q sample)” with descriptions and possible interpretations of the images we used. The interpretations were collected from a pilot study and from the comments in the survey.

We prepared a summary of the “Datos Sociodemográficos”. Additionally, you can find the survey questions in “Cuestionario Sociodemográfico”. 

Furthermore, you can find the “Video con instrucciones”, which we prepared in order to facilitate the asynchronous and online instructions for the Q sorting.